Environment and Recycling of Packaging

General Print and Framing Waste
All waste packaging we receive from deliveries to us, including cardboard, paper and plastics are collected for recycling. The same applies for all waste produced within our business, such as off-cuts and trimmings.

Recycling Our Packaging
Our packaging consists of two main materials, cardboard and plastic. We are actively reducing the plastics in our packaging. Any plastic tubes we use are obtained from surplus building supplies which would otherwise have found no commercial use.
Recycling our packaging is easy. Separate the cardboard from the plastic and ensure that you place them in the correct coloured recycle bins. Most European countries now have colour coded bins for individual households or communal bins for streets/apartment blocks.
If you do not have recycle bins, visit the link below and enter your postcode /zipcode/areacode to see where your nearest recycling drop off point is.